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> For someone who claims they aren't a fan, you sure have a strange fixation with defending the company, even making it a significant chunk of your HN career.

I love how you keep steering the conversation away from facts and directing it towards me. How exactly are you providing value on this discussion? Also, hang on... There are people who actually consider HN as a "career"? How do I get compensated?

I don't matter. Facts do. If you can correct me where I said something that is not factual on this thread. Please feel free to do so.

> You're aware that HN posts aren't deleted, right?

Of course! This is the internet after all. You're digging through my profile to make a point? Now that's what you call infantile. Why don't you address what I wrote with your counterarguments? You yourself seem to be on an emotional Tesla tirade [1]. Don't act all holier than thou.

[1] https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&qu...

> I implore anyone who thinks that's an "ad hominem" to point this out to click on this link[1].

You just proved my point! What your doing is a sad attempt to rally the mob towards me. If people disagree, they can just downvote my comments. But I do try to be factual as best that I can.

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