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> The value of bitcoin is zero if you are bargaining with me. I'll trade a chicken for bitcoin when the state allows me to pay my taxes in bitcoin. Until then enjoy your fairy money.

Not sure how literally you mean this, but I don't think it makes any sense, unless you're willing to pass up free money just to make a point. If I offer you 100x the usual price, on condition you let me pay in bitcoin, are you really turning that down? (You don't have to hold the bitcoin for any significant time, you can immediately swap them for dollars at the market rate.)

And do you extend this policy to everything that (lacks intrinsic value and) can't be used to pay taxes? The state won't let you pay your taxes in winning lottery tickets either...

I'm no bitcoin fan, fwiw. But I think you're conflating 'bitcoin sucks as a currency' with 'bitcoins are worthless'.

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