I think there's more than personal preference at play here. The hidden benefit that the author missed is that Tailwind's (or any other atomic CSS approach) classes are immutable and all changes localized. This pays off hugely for large [enterprise] projects.
In a million-line codebase, you can add and remove classes from a specific element with 100% confidence that you are not breaking anything else. With class-based styles, even when using theme variables, there is always the chance you end up breaking something at a distance by adding a property to an existing class, changing a shared value, renaming a selector or changing it's precedence.
If you find yourself in this environment where dozens of people are making changes concurrently, and these issues are a daily occurrence, naturally you'll wonder how you ever worked with CSS any other way.
styled-jsx and other approaches can get you similar benefits but extra care is necessary. I mostly avoid Tailwind due to the lock-in, complex setup and slow build, otherwise might have used it for quick prototypes more often.
Our experience has been absolutely not with an inhouse atomic css framework we ultimately ripped out of a project. Something like pd-md (for "medium padding") gets applied somewhere, then the decision is made that e.g. buttons should have less padding unless they're in a dialog, so someone goes around replacing it with "pd-sm" on buttons except they miss some and other developers don't get the message and add new buttons still using "pd-md" as they just copied and pasted the styling from a button that hadn't been updated and all of a sudden different forms have different padding on all your buttons, something that wouldn't have happened if making a button was just applying class="button".
For me it makes sense to create a component class in that case, using Tailwind‘s `@apply` to add the generic padding:
.button {
@apply py-2 px-4;
This ensures CI elements are styled the same way everywhere, but still relies on the Tailwind config to figure out what „2 abstract units of vertical padding“ mean in your application.
No, I actually love CSS variables. But they invariably will be abused in the long term. What you called medium padding might suddenly be decreased to be a value lower than small padding, and that’s the point where it all starts to go to hell.
The point of Tailwind is that it’s a straightforward way to handle all the CSS complexity and put the moving parts into a single config file that works the same everywhere.
> What you called medium padding might suddenly be decreased to be a value lower than small padding, and that’s the point where it all starts to go to hell.
Would it be strange to define p-2 to be smaller than p-1? Yes. Exactly as strange as defining your padding-medium variable to be smaller than padding-small.
I'm pretty skeptical about lock in. If I couldn't use tailwind tomorrow, I think I could rewrite the few dozen minimal utility classes I need in a matter of hours. IMO the implementation is a convenience.
The slow build is definitely an issue, although that's generally only a factor when you're customising Tailwind, not when you're just using the classes in your HTML. (I'm sure you know this, just adding it for clarification).
However, the Tailwind team are very close to releasing something that is, apparently, going to dramatically speed up build times (source: Adam Wathan's recent tweets).