I'm too old and tired to try to be clever on the front end any more. TailwindCSS is the right answer for big projects and for small. Yes it can get bloated but i'm willing to take that trade off if it means I don't have to do any more css.
Huh, my opinion is that it’s potentially the right fit more middle-sized projects, but neither big nor small ones.
For small projects, you’re wasting time with a massive abstraction layer when you could be writing a small set of easy styles in plain CSS. You don’t need the weight and complexity of a sizeable framework.
And for big projects, it’s technical lock-in and additional maintenance overhead that absolutely doesn’t work if you’re trying to coordinate a microfrontend environment for example.
For small projects you don't have to create any boilerplate styles, resets, and the like...you just start writing code. A lot of frontend frameworks that are popular these days have CLI options to set up Tailwind out of the box at the same time you bootstrap the rest of the files.
For large projects, maintenance is easier because you don't have to relearn the CSS architecture each time you (or more importantly, someone else) comes back to work on something after a few months. If you're doing microfrontends, just import the same config file?