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Ask HN: What changes did you make that improved your life siginficantly?
15 points by hidden-spyder on March 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Exercise, and two days alcohol free per week. Rowing and pilates in my case, there are other choices.

Some amount of time management.

Reading about stoicism.

Seeking some kind of mental health engagement from a (non drug treatment) oriented professional. CBT works with most situations.

People who need biochemical adjustments, generally need to know. The assumption of use of drugs to fix mental health problems is why I said seek non-drug treatments and be taken to appropriate drugs under guidance.

Yoga for the exercise and the meditation. Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Changing one's perspective can change the emotions and feelings around a belief.

Closely related to stoicism. Worry only about the things you can control in your life. Which is very little.

These three strategies work for me:

a) healthy diet based on raw meat, b) in control of your goals by working on each of them every day, and c) that others mean well, even when they behave like dumbasses, relax.

And by raw meat you mean sushi, or going full hyena?

For "full hyena" you need a vase of glass, so that the sun can shine on the meat to produce the carrion, but no insects can touch it and poison you.

But I wouldn't recommend that route for early exploration. Better to eat organs you normally wouldn't, like the heart of a goat for instance.

Whaaa? Citation, please. I've heard of some meat only diets before, but leaving it in the sun? Carrion?

I realized that I was the biggest limiting factor in my future. The rules I defined for myself were in fact self created.

Strenuous exercise. Lots of water. A low fat diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit, and vegetables, and walnuts.


Leaving my phone in a different room when going to bed.

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