Access is an interesting beast. Much maligned by IT shops everywhere. But it’s pretty powerful when you think about it as excel with a relational table model and a built-in reporting interface. I mean it makes all the sense in the world why it exists as a business tool, but it’s a cul-de-sac, usually tipping you off that it’s time for a “real” database and/or some COTS apps. Been decades since I seriously used Access, was before I ever got really exposed to true RDBMS’s and writing against them. But it’s probably where I got introduced to SQL, something a surprising number of developers don’t know these days.
Front end dev, video games, devs that use Firebase or Mongodb all the time? Devs that work in companies where only a trusted few touch the database, and everyone else works on their abstractions? Heck, with stuff like Rails, you can mostly treat the DB as a strongly typed KV store unless people want heavy reporting.
SQL is useful to know, but it's hardly necessary in today's world.