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Thanks for the feedback!

I think most of the unique points are mentioned on the landing page in the "What's different about userTrack?" section.

The main gist is that userTrack is primary self-hosted, so the product's goal is aligned with the customer's goal. A platform like Matomo for example, earns money by providing a cloud solution, which means that anyone who chooses to self-host instead of using their service will reduce their revenue. This also leads to them making it harder to install and maintain the self-hosted version and they also provide some features only for the cloud plan (session recordings, heatmaps). Most of the other open-source analytics platforms that you might be referring to are pretty simple and usually only provide basic visitor stats.

tl;dr: ease of installation, automatic updates, human support, highly performant/well optimized, unique interface and features, very affordable compared to alternatives with similar features, bootstrapped.

Apart from this I am also trying to promote self-hosting as much as possible, thus I am continuously looking for and promoting different ways to reduce 3rd party dependencies and making it easier to do so.

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