Took me a while to figure it all out, but it works surprisingly well. I have been using to generate the sprites. They also provide a JS polyfill to support IE.
You can export your SVGs with fill="currentColor" and your color attribute onto the SVG tag or its container would work.
Since at $JOB i'm using SVG icons with more than one color, i use fill="var(--svg-color-base)" or fill="var(--svg-color-accent)" so i can precisely set which color i want, in a perfectly scope-able manner.
The greatest advantage is that you can reference externally your svg with xlink.href on top of your website: you have to make one more request, but it's cacheable. Pick your tradeoff :)
Or something of this manner? Haven't encountered this, but sounds awesome; especially since you'd get the power of both inlining and caching the asset.
Either fill: currentColor or fill: var(--iconColor, currentColor) should do the trick.
I prefer the 2nd one because it lets me change iconColor whenever I find it appropiate
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