This article is correct about underspecification, but completely dodges the argument on language and understanding, drawing the hackneyed, shallow distinction between "pattern matching" and "understanding".
How do you define understand? People just use the word "understand" to fill in for the magic stuff that they say humans can do but machines can't. They also sometimes use "symbolic reasoning" that way, but the best work on machine understanding and symbolic reason is done by DeepMind:
The examples in the original article are about truth, not understanding, mainly because we don't have anything approaching a formal definition of 'understanding'. But, if anyone does, it is probably the deep learning community, where conferences in the last 3-4 years have had hundreds of papers working carefully to examine what is the nature and structure of the knowledge encoded in these kind of systems.
How do you define understand? People just use the word "understand" to fill in for the magic stuff that they say humans can do but machines can't. They also sometimes use "symbolic reasoning" that way, but the best work on machine understanding and symbolic reason is done by DeepMind:
The examples in the original article are about truth, not understanding, mainly because we don't have anything approaching a formal definition of 'understanding'. But, if anyone does, it is probably the deep learning community, where conferences in the last 3-4 years have had hundreds of papers working carefully to examine what is the nature and structure of the knowledge encoded in these kind of systems.