I have to say though, if we were actually making them pay hard for that, I'd be ok with it ethically. You want to skip the line? Sure, that's 2 million+! Then give the money to the one that has to wait instead, but make sure not to allow a free market here to drive that price down. Just thinking.. there surely is an issue somewhere..
Yes! I am from the Indian Subcontinent, I know people who went back to the country to get the Oxford vaccine, because the rollout is great and it is "open season" over there already. Converse is also true- rich people who were doubtful about a vaccine manufactured in India booked came to US to get both Moderna and Pfizer shots.
It's already the case, look at all the exceptions for the wealthy and powerful getting vaccines early, be that politicians, celebrities, athletes, connected individuals, and the numerous cases we each may know of. I won't say more but I do know a few personally who got the vaccine too early.
I don't think so. There's simply not excess vaccines to go around at this point. I imagine this might happen more in the future when a larger percentage of some nations are vaccinated.
> There's simply not excess vaccines to go around at this point.
I'm sure there are creative people out there who'll, say, put you on the staff list at a dentist's office so you're technically a "first responder". For a price, of course.
Eg, if the wait time is long for my group in the US/UK/Wherever, can I book a flight to UAE or Cuba to get a vaccine at the airport?