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French regulators ban the words Facebook and Twitter from TV and radio (venturebeat.com)
10 points by fmavituna on June 5, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

'other social networks will complain to us saying, ‘why not us?’' - Because it's realism. Someone said that macbook in that show must be paid product placement, I said it was just realistic, this character was a reasonably-well-off journalist. Even tv shows with poor people like Two Pints mention facebook in realistic terms.

I admire French people for their consistent idealism even though it mostly results in utter nonsense such as this story.

As far as I am concerned utter nonsense is in the OP 's mind "Facebook and Twitter are not simply businesses", not in the French regulation.Do we want alternative social networks to even stand a chance against the current networks?

The French have a unique talent for putting theory before practice. It just kneecaps their domestic tech industry, like their insistence on keeping common English technical terms out of their vocabulary.

If it is an incentive for shows to publicize their regular website instead of some dumb Facebook page,I'm all for it!

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