I'm not sure if I'm just in a mood today but found myself writing snarky, argumentative replys to peoples' what are, IMO stupid comments. Today though after reading over my replies for typos, I found myself asking "What value am I adding to the conversation?". I ended up comming to the conclusion very little value, and deciding to not submit it.
I'm wondering how common this is, sometimes I feel like just going through the process of writing but not posting, gives me enough satisfaction.
If this seems like a dumb question I'm sorry but am going to click "submit" this time anyways.
When it gets up that high I take it as a very good signal that I need to log off and step away until my mood improves enough for me to appear somewhat human.
Even with the ones that do make it through I will read and re-read what I have written to see if there are better ways to phrase things in a neutral tone before hitting submit. I also try to refrain from posting on HN when my blood alcohol level is above legal driving limits.
I don’t always succeed and sometimes a snarky or judgemental comment will slip through the internal safety net but I certainly try my best to avoid doing so.
Furthermore I usually only comment on ‘On Topic’ posts and eschew any ‘hot button’ comment threads since the down-votes tend to fly in the Reddit fashion rather than as per HN upvote/downvote guidelines on those.