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Biden says U.S. will seek to 'end cancer as we know it' after Covid pandemic (cnbc.com)
11 points by kjhughes on Feb 20, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Can we, maybe, look at antibiotics instead? There is enough cancer money sloshing around, cancer research is very profitable, in this field the market actually works. But the antibiotic crisis is on our doorstep, and for pharmaceuticals of last resort the market system fails badly.

The best alternative to antibiotics I've personally found is water fasting. By cutting off available food sources for the bacteria, I've been able to get over typically antibiotics-treated maladies without them. I'm not a licensed doctor, and this is not medical advice, just anecdata.

Works really well in cases of sepsis or multiresistant tuberculosis or gonorrhoea. Just saying.


No, this is some personal experience backed by scientific data shit.

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