My experience with people from my own contacts disappearing is you'll still be on their contacts list and their messages will go into a black hole. If they're paying attention they will notice that all of your details, including your picture, will revert to whatever they have stored in their phone contacts list (which might be nothing).
>Do people that used to msg me still see my entry in >their own accounts list, after I closed it?
I recently asked the WhatsApp to provide me "my account info", well, on the reply (data) were OLD phone numbers from friends that they don't use anymore -closed their old WhatsApp and opened new- and belong now to other people!! what was absurd, those numbers AUTOMATICALLY were added to my contact list! I even could not remove those contacts only by block and report.
Just to have an idea what data goes to the f Facebook
Do people that used to msg me still see my entry in their own accounts list, after I closed it?
And if they do, do they get notified if still sending msgs there, or are these just shown as forever unread?