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Elizabeth Ann, the First Cloned Black-Footed Ferret (nytimes.com)
40 points by chetangoti on Feb 20, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Less pictures, but has the full article: https://outline.com/vP7tTA

From the article: "ViaGen created embryos and implanted them into a domestic ferret surrogate".

I wonder how the "created embryos" step can be done?

An unfertilized donor egg cell is taken from another animal and has its nucleus replaced with one from a cell from the animal to be cloned. The reprogrammed egg cell is then stimulated to start dividing much like a normal fertilized egg.


"may bring needed genetic diversity"

Isn't the cloning the opposite of that?

The original cells were frozen in 1988 and since then the population of black-footed ferrets has dwindled to just a few individuals all living in captivity. The article mentions that all black-footed ferrets alive today are essentially half-siblings, except for this clone.

The cells used to make the clone are from an individual that died years ago.

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