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This is the coolest part of the mission IMO.

My big question is where does it land? Does it dock with the rover? It seems to power itself via a solar array. About 100 days into the mission they plan on launching the helicopter for the tiny lifespan window.

I think the limit on its lifespan is really, "How long until destroyed by wind/dust". And then how long until it cannot charge its own batteries/sustain itself.

I agree, this is the coolest part, but the most useful part for humanity is MOXIE.

It lands on the ground. And yes, dust on the panels is a big concern. (I work at JPL but not on Perseverance / Ingenuity)

That's really cool; thanks for your work!!

I cant wait to see how Y'all figure out how to get those rock samples back to earth; that's gonnna be nuts XD

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