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Ask HN: Advice on finding mid-level remote front end job?
4 points by azabraao on Feb 18, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hi guys, I’m starting to look for a remote job. I’m a freelancer who has made several jobs for brands like Google, Lenovo, and Whirlpool (I hope that this portifolio helps me). Now I want some stability on my revenues and I will try hard to find my first fully remote contract with a company. Can you guys help me on giving tips or advices?

There's a YC company, Ontop, that has a Launch HN[0] right now. They want to "help companies do remote hiring" in "LATAM". Given you appear to be in Brazil, is this relevant?

In case you are looking for freelance work, I'm biased: would you be interested in creating a consultancy and doing business through it. The amounts you can charge as a company as opposed to an individual are interesting. I wrote a bit about this[1].

If not, maybe joining a large consultancy is a way to on different projects. You may like that.

- [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26179281

- [1]: https://twitter.com/jugurthahadjar/status/131066829330549965...

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