If you’re on 10.15 (Catalina) there’s no need to install zsh, it is the default shell. If you’ve upgraded and are still using bash, just do ‘chsh -s /bin/zsh’ to set the default to zsh.
What I would like is a blog post about making zsh less different than bash. I'll get to the mind-blowing tricks eventually, but for now I want the old tab completion and word stops back. Maybe I should just chsh back to bash, but the macOS copy of bash is really old now.
What was the reason for them doing this do you know? From my experience with it over the last year, zsh is slightly worse at autocomplete than bash, with no advantages.
Is there something I'm missing, like a good default .zshrc?
I had done that, but my ssh completions weren't working great at all. I've installed ohmyzsh as recommended below and it's great, definitely a step up from bash.
To be precise - Apple was stuck on the last GPL 2 version of bash and finally gave up and moved to zsh which doesn’t have the GPL 3 license but is bash compatible and they can keep it updated.