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Facebook restricts the sharing of news in Australia (nytimes.com)
2 points by timpattinson on Feb 18, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Am in Melbourne Australia. I don't understand why Media thinks they can push a case against FB/Google exactly.

I thought getting referrals to their website would've been good for Media? Why do they need recompense?

Also, it has felt for a while that our politicians actively suck up to Murdochs empire in return for favourable coverage.

While I won't personally be upset as I don't get my news from FB I am somewhat worried what the echo chamber will look like without "legit Media".

Lastly, will HN be affected for anything it could possibly link to?!?

[edit for clarity]

Won’t this help drive home the fact for people that not every story shared on Facebook is legitimate? Frankly I’m all for it. Facebook is an awful place to get your information from.

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