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It truly is. I see the complexity stems from replication of the many OS services applications require. As a result, the containerized ecosystem ends up full circle but reinvented with a leaky abstraction that generates complexity. To me the comical part is how the IT team fails to acknowledge this.

Naturally it spreads like cancer. Non k8s native infrastructure is now abandon-ware. All that tech built over the last ten years is no longer seeing investment. Unfortunately, it solves real problems and rather well. Now a candidate to be reinvented and under the guise of reducing complexity it instead throws the users under the bus and actually does the opposite while costing a fortune.

When you step back and see: bare metals, vms, docker, k8s, stack of k8s plugins and tools, on prem and multi cloud all running concurrently... the IT team is really great at creating work and justifying their existence. Management needs to stop padding them on their back and hold them accountable for the mess they're generating.

It easy for me to complain, I guess, I'm not smart enough to understand how to kill this hydra. But I care about users and their experience and so maybe that's what's missing from this new frontier.

> the IT team is really great at creating work and justifying their existence.

Once you said this, the is no longer a neccesity to say more. I could not agree more.

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