No, I am saying there is nothing intrinsic to the problem of a CSS engine that makes it intractable in C++. C++ is the most used language for highly parallel, HPC applications. I don't see why there is anything magical about CSS which would prevent a c++ solution from also existing here.
I'm not arguing that Rust was not the best choice here for Mozilla. I personally would also rather work with Rust than C++ in almost all cases. But to claim that C++ is not usable to solve this problem, based on the fact that Mozilla decided to use Rust instead is not a sound argument.
Yes, but that reads like a put down for Mozilla. That hypothetically a team of guys earning like half a million a year in a big hedge fund could be recruited to build precisely a parallel CSS engine if they work in it for a year or two is not a good argument for using C++ for this either.
It's not a put-down to Mozilla at all. I'm sure they chose Rust for very good reasons, and they achieved a great result. I'm not even arguing that C++ should be used for this. I'm just saying it's absurd to claim that C++ could not be used for this if you really wanted to.