I teach pattern design as part of an illustrator module. The patterns generated by this app are cool. But for serious pattern making look at the wallpaper designs of William Morris (at the bottom of the linked page is a good example). The craft lays in defining the limits of the repeat element. Sometimes even finding the repeat is tough work. Google his wallpaper designs and try it yourself.
I remember when I first started making websites how hard it was to find patterns, and often times you'd have to make them yourself. It's sadly ironic how we have these great tools today for customizing, styling, etc., and yet much of the internet is a carbon copy and all websites, blogs, and social profiles seem to look exactly the same.
I wish "shuffle" truly randomized the settings, rather than cycled through a dozen presets. Maybe separate button to shuffle just the patterns and not the colors? Color shuffling is where most of the ugly outliers would come from.
I thought this was amazing until I realized there’s only 12 base patterns. I expected the base patterns to be generated too, not hand authored. While you can make adjustments the changes are minor. Really undercuts the name of the tool. Sorry to be a downer.
It is not claiming to be ‘the tool’, just a royalty free pattern generator that can be used in thousands+ of combinations. There are other similar tools out there and there are even open source tools that can be extended in custom ways. Only search for it, don’t expect things to come to you exactly how you want them.