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Hehe never run out. Like we never ran out of IPv4 addresses or crude oil... I think any solution needs to be cyclic.

Looks like there is ~10^−8 earth masses of oil and coal [1]. I can't seem to find the mass of magneisum on earth but its 2.5% of the earth's crust, which is apparently <1% of the earth's volume, lets estimate 0.1% of the total mass to be conservative, not sure how reasonable this is but seems ok for this back of the envelope calculation [2]. This gives about ~10^-5 earth masses of magnesium, still orders of magnitude more than the oil and coal and this process won't consume it, its just for hydrogen storage/transport.

More numbers on the mass of the crust in [3].

[1] https://osf.io/dkmwy/download [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_crust [3] ttps://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007AGUFM.V33A1161P/abstract

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