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$25,000 for a top table at LIV Miami NYE. $7,500 on a regular night.

Just to add to what everyone else said: I’m in Miami right now and most of the clubs (the ones that open at midnight and close at 0500) basically work such that if you don’t spend $1-10k for table/bottle service you might as well not even go.

I have not been to a club night or otherwise in over 25 years. It's just not my thing. But I am curious what is the difference between a top table and a regular table? What even goes on at a regular table?

Location within the club. In and around DJ booth / dancefloor can cost almost 10x the cheapest table. See and be seen = $$$$$

At these venues you aren't paying for the table per se... these are generally minimum spend amounts for drink/food (pre gratuity).

For ticketed events, table reso also usually includes admission & line bypass for x guests.

This seems very strange, why on earth would you pay that much to listen to music and who are you trying to impress? Is there some implicit assumption that you can meet otherwise unavailable women / men there? That seems extremely unlikely as well.

I assume that it's prostitution with extra steps.

Access to higher “””quality””” drugs and women.


No one that can afford that is working for a paycheck.


Can't Americans stop themselves from policing language? You're no better with that attitude than your Christian lunatics trying to censor every nipple out there. Puritans in every form.

I’m not trying to censor anybody (nor indeed am I American). I’m merely sharing information about language and encouraging people to think about the words they use and the effect they have on other people. At the end of the day I still believe it is your right to use words how you wish.

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