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Some of the other replies are missing the fact that we can look at the history of why police departments were created: to break strikes and chase slaves. The historic record is clear that police were generally created to protect capital.

This is a very American-centric view of policing.

"We compiled data on 250+ US public companies involved in corporate securities frauds identified in 1,000+ Securities and Exchange Commission filings over 2005–2013; we randomly selected a comparable control group of 500+ US public companies from Compustat."

I am curious about downvotes. This stuff is historical fact.

I know someone else commented that my view is American, but the original article is about the (American) SEC... so... I will double down and show evidence from my home state: Pennsylvania.


The whole idea of the PSP was to create a less violent force to control labor (compared to the companies' private security solutions).

The (downvoting) reader is encouraged to repeat this exercise for their own locality.

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