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The hope for humanity is that we're irrational. Yes, it comes with downsides... but it is our irrational nature that compels us to help a stranger even when it comes at our own expense.

This is why I can't give up hope.

No, you only think that's irrational because you can only see so far. In reality we help people because in the long run it benefits us more than not. A rising tide lifts all boats etc. You don't actually get as much out of being selfish as you think you do.

And thats the problem with American society. Its always easier to understand the (short-term) gains from being selfish, and difficult to understand the (long-term) edifying effects of being magnanimous.

This is pretty spot on

"You're looking at it rationally - there are people who are useful to you, and people who ain't, and the people who ain't got to go. Me. I'm not rational. I don't care if you're useful or not. I feel like taking you out, Devo, so that's what I'm doing." - Trevor Philips

(No insights here, I just feel like quoting Trevor, cause he’s loyal one)

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