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I never said capitalism is required. You're arguing the wrong point. The point is about idealism based revolutions. They never workout the way they followers want them to. Never.

Well incremental reform is on track to kill the planet, so I wouldn't say that's a good way to go about it either.

And "incremental reform" is being generous. Ultimately the very idea of "incremental reform" is obscenely presumptuous in its notion of linear progress, as if change wasn't a bidirectional graph filled with dead ends and cycles

This is such a cynical view of humanity. Personally I believe it is worth striving to create a society that encourages and cultivates our best qualities rooted in love, rather than resigning ourselves to a social structure and way of thinking that encourages our most selfish and destructive ones.

You're never going to do that by taking down the current order of the day violently. Violent revolutions lead (whether social or financial) lead to violent societies. That's my main point. Don't assume that a violent revolutions wrapped in idealism is any less violent.

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