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Seeing all the comments in this thread that people have had bad experiences with pipenv, this contrasts with my own experience which has been pretty good. How has pipenv failed for everyone?

Gonna take a look at poetry, but would love to hear what problems people have had with pipenv?

1. Dependency resolution algorithm failed in places that Poetry handles fine.

2. When Airflow added a dependency choice (based on licences) the setup script required an ENV var choosing one to be set, pipenv swallowed the stdout output and dumped a Pip stacktrace that didn't help diagnose the issue.

3. Mysterious bugs on new pipenv releases that usually manifested as a Pip stack-trace or setuptools stack-trace.

4. Sometimes the bugs were installed Pip version dependent, which made replication hard.

There was other stuff, but can't quite remember off the top of my head.

But yeah, we spent a lot of time trying to figure out why pipenv had broken again. Poetry has been a breeze in comparison.

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