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GNU/Linux gets used alright, on IoT, servers and VMs, where the desktop is irrelevant.

While Linux community can pat themselves on the back for having Linux kernel as part of ChromeOS and Android, they tend to forget it is hardly exposed to userspace frameworks used by app developers.

Chrome OS straight up lets you install Linux desktop apps. It runs a wayland compositor.

Crostini only works in some models, and follows the same approach as WSL, running GNU/Linux in a virtualized Linux kernel, completely unrelated to ChromeOS Linux kernel.

ChromeOS vNext could be based on Fuchsia and still offer Crostini.

Point is that, like Android, it eschews the typical Linux Desktop stack, because it is a garbage pile that reasonable people don't want to deal with.

> because it is a garbage pile that reasonable people don't want to deal with.

I mean to be fair now that Wayland and PipeWire are there it's finally starting to look like a modern OS.

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