Apologies if I sound overly harsh, but you've got to listen to the feedback.
2 people complained about the same thing, and you gave feedback that was "it's over here, but not where you think it is" that's a UX problem in a README.
I went to look at the README me, clicked Sample App (with Screen Shots) and there's no screen shots. I gave up.
Make the screen shot, at least one, front and center on the main README.
2 were nice enough to complain, but you've got to believe so many more people would be interested if they could just see it.
Feedback is always nice and wonderful if people freely provide it, but I don't see - especially in light of this Ask HN topic - why one 'has to' listen to it? Or to 'complaints' for that matter, on someone's pet OSS project. Sure, it might be prudent to listen, but it is totally up to the maintainer to do so or not.