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sova on Feb 2, 2021 | hide | past | favorite

Curious why a random Japanese course is in the top 3 of HN? I feel like this is not an interesting/unusual/novel thing meriting discussion, it's just a Japanese course-- I could just as easily link Duolingo's Japanese course. Moreover, this one is behind a few barriers like a 403 and encourages site visitors to sign up for their giveaway and premium subscription.

> Curious why a random Japanese course is in the top 3 of HN?

See the submission history of the poster:


With that many attempts, bound to connect at some point I suppose.

Cool, I have done something similar (partial kanji replacement in English text) 10 years ago.

But today you can just use Google Translate which will give you 3 panels - kanji, romaji and English. So you can see the symbols, their sounds and their meaning at the same time. I like that they are displayed in separate boxes because it forces me to think and not just look for the answer. Furigana is too easy to cheat.

sample: https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=ja&text=I%20like%20th...

I'd be wary of claims like...

"...we teach Japanese according to scientific research and a frequency analysis of Japanese in the wild. We start with grammar fundamentals and our Particles-First Approach. ... Our online Japanese study software focuses on thorough grammar explanations, plentiful examples, and drills and quizzes that make sure you learn and retain what you're studying."

...as the scientific research has shown that grammar explanations and drills are a lousy way to teach a language. Here's an article worth checking out: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Getting a 403 when trying to click the link to the pdf.


this is so bizarre. learning in pure frequency order doesn't make sense. e.g. you should learn most of the numbers together instead of spread out like that.

You need a login to view the PDF. I deleted my WordPress account a few years back, so no book for me.

Even after logging in, the link doesn’t work. It says “ You must be logged in _and a member of this blog_.”.

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