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Ask HN: What do you do in your 20%+ time?
9 points by billie_ on Jan 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I work as a SWE at a big tech company and going down to working 60%, which will leave me with 2 extra free days a week.

I'm curious as to what people who work part-time do with their extra day(s)? Assuming you don't have responsibilities such as child care, etc.

My ideas include developing a new skill or subject, strengthening a hobby, volunteering. Is there anything you've done that you would recommend doing?

I volunteer on a mountain rescue team. It's one of the most satisfying things I've ever gotten involved in. That follows from an interest in all kinds of outdoor adventures, and a background in physics. It's a good background for technical rescue work.

I have also been helping to develop an approach to landslide monitoring in small watersheds. Basically if a watershed is just the right size, there seems to be a strong correlation between river levels and landslide activity. In smaller watersheds the height of the river changes rapidly with localized rainfall. It seems that monitoring the river height becomes a proxy for measuring the primary landslide risk factors such as soil moisture content. I'm hoping to help develop a real-time monitoring system for parts of southeast Alaska, which are facing more frequent landslide activity as a result of changing rainfall patterns.

It's also really important to not try and work 40 hours a week. Working 60% is really freeing, and I'm glad to hear you don't have to grind as hard as we're often pushed to these days.

Last year I was working Monday & Tuesday. I spent Wednesday relaxing, watching TV, reading books, and then Thursday & Friday looking after our child.

Working two days for money, parenting for two days, and having a break in-between was perfect for me.

Sadly due to circumstances I had a need for more income, so I went back to working Monday-Friday, but it was still an excellent experience for the months I managed it. Zero regrets.

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