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Ask HN: Are there any other youtubers like u/deepf***ingvalue?
14 points by TekMol on Jan 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments
After deepf**ingvalue became a celebrity now, I started watching his Youtube channel. At first I expected one of these typical nonsense hijinks youtubers who are getting attention by being loud and funny. But damn! He is really passionate about investing and thinks things through.

Even though it's all old stuff now, I listened through a bunch of his hour long videos and love the content.

Are there any others out there I have been missing?

His video where he goes over his tooling for research is fascinating[0]. There's a lot of transferrable tooling & skills that can be applied to software development. Notably, the way he's optimized Google Chrome for research.

I'm interested in watching more videos like this so if anyone has any links to videos where the creator (who's deep into their field) goes over their tooling, please send them my way :)

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2CBcthRVKE

If you are into photography. There is a lot of innovation around tooling.

This is a fun watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM0vNpfY2G0

Just worth pointing out that u/DFV analysis was ultimately not what got him rich. He was projecting small growth, and the internet turned the whole thing into a meme. He is rich because of the meme.

At this point we don't know if that small growth would have ever materialized if the meme never happened.

Sure the meme got him to 40m+ worth of GME but he would have still come out nicely whether it was blown into the massive meme or not. My understanding is that he bought in at a $4 price so GME rallying 10x is still a massive win. The meme took him above and beyond. I think we stand to learn something from him, speaking as an amateur here of course.

I disagree with this. He made his position on Gamestop known a year ago and people on WSB laughed at him for it. I wasn't until the stock rose to $20 and he posted that he made 11 million on calls and people realized a short squeeze was possible that it turned into a meme.

Right. And to the GP’s point, would it have happened without the meme squeeze (the small growth potential) - yes.

I considered GME calls in December where it was hanging out in the $17 range. Ryan Cohen and the Chewey cohort added to a positive outlook given new leadership. Similarly, there was bullish sentiment that the next gen console sales would manifest at April earnings. People thought by April earnings it could go to 40.

So yeah, buying that early with those two growth prospects was sensible.

The squeeze became the second part of operation, but the first was a sensible position based on modest assumptions. In fact, it was truly crazy of the hedge funds to think GameStop would be out of business this soon with ps5/xbx just launching.

I don't care for performance. As you pointed out, performance can be due to luck. I am looking for interesting view points.

I know of no similar youtubers at the moment, but just keep looking in your recommended, because there will soon be a thousand copycats popping up to try and cash-in on the kind of persona/role that deepfuckingvalue has shown there's a market for, because they know there are people out there, like you, looking for that kind of CONTENT!. But I imagine most of it will be crap just trying to sell you something.

I bet even "the establishment" themselves will start creating these kinds of channels for the purposes of manipulation and spreading FUD.

Not sure if the copycats would focus on the aspects I am interested in. I didn't really watch his video that has 500k views, where he celebrated his success. I am interested in the other ones where he does his work. Those only have between 1k and 50k views.

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I would recommend looking at what DFV looks at himself. He talks a lot about reading Seeking Alpha. Seeking Alpha has a lot of bearish articles, but always read the comments as there is always the bullish counter view.

I think it’s worth the subscription if you are looking for ideas.

Good idea. I will look into the Seeking Alpha podcasts. Maybe there is something there.

His last video seems to be from 2017?

I looked through a bunch of those videos now and the bad audio quality really turns me off.

Also, calling your thoughts on the stock market "lessons" is a red flag for me. The stock market is kind of a superbrain made of millions of individuals. You might have some theories of being able to do trades with an above average risk/reward ratio. But if you are so sure about your theories that you call them "lessons" you are probably barking up the wrong tree. Or simply try to impress people who want to be believers.

He is in prison. I presume the OP meant it as a joke.

I don't think it was a joke. Whatever you think of Martin Shkreli as a person, his videos about how to value companies are informative.

Hmm... no.

I have been zapping through his videos for like 5 minutes now and cannot find any analysis of companies. There are gazillions of Youtubers out there who tell you what happened yesterday on social media, what they bought, how the current charts look like etc. The awesomeness of DFV is that he actually does original research on companies and comes up with his own theories.

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