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Why Everyone Should Build Their Own PC and Stop Using Macs (americanpurpose.com)
7 points by undefined1 on Jan 29, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I built my own computer, I will probably continue to build my own computer in the future. I also am very sympathetic to anti Apple arguments framed in the context of their proprietary standards which just seem obnoxious.


Neither of those imply to me that people should be building their own computers. My life revolves around computers, either at work, or in my primary leisure time. I am well incentivized to learn more about them. My mom's life does not, it revolves around her garden. My best friend's life does not, it revolves around his wife and son. Could these people learn to build a computer and get a better one for cheaper by building? Yes. Would they rather pay someone or some company a small premium to build it for them so they can live their life? Yes.

This also pertains to the car example leading the article, as well as the existence of professional accountants, stock brokers, paralegals, lawyers, librarians, dietitians, electricians, plumbers, arborists, etc. I could do anything I want for cheaper by putting my own effort into it, but life is way too short to do everything, especially things I have no interest in.

I disagree as someone who is running a couple a PCs I built myself.

Normal people can just buy a MacBook and be done with it. Logic is why I bought my Mac, and nothing for PC comes close to ease of use when it comes to audio production. It's not just that it's easy, but logic scales in difficulty for whatever you want to do.

The author is a 68 year old political scientist. The article is more like a political statement than a consumer advocacy piece.

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