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I'd be very worried about Robin Hood's solvency, since they let people trade on margins, and retail investors are presumably difficult to get debts out from. I seriously doubt they underwrite their own options, more likely they just sell some broker's options.

Otherwise... sure some funds might lose a lot of money. But a lot of money for a fund (and it's investors). I wouldn't say we're seeing anything like systemic risk. If nothing else, Redditors' pockets are only so deep, and there's only so much meme stocks they can buy.

So where does it leave us? Perhaps Robin Hood might go under (though it looks like they learnt their lesson and got some cash, so maybe not). Some funds went under, and maybe some other will too. But generally, funds are not major systemic risk. They are speculative money. It's been going on for long enough that clearing houses requested the higher margins already. I don't think banks have any real skin in this game.

What was so terrible about 2008 financial crash, from the technocratic point of view, was that it was banks that were affected, and they are, among other things, the very plumbing of the financial system we all depend on.

Of course life can prove me wrong :) but I'm not remotely worried atm.

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