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With the amount of media attention WSB has been gaining, this is setting itself up for "Wall Street versus The People" situation. It may be politically tough to go against the retailers now, particularly mid-pandemic and with all the other political comorbidities US is suffering from.

It's been that for a while. Lots of people on social media have been framing it as another Occupy Wall Street, except this time they've figured out how to make the elites hurt. There's plenty of people who don't care how much they lose when it bursts, because Wall Street is set up to lose more.

This is not about "Wall Street versus The People" or WallStreet vs Retail (small investors) it is about federal securities laws. And you know where the law is? In court. I think court needs to decide whether what is WSB doing illegal or legal.

If after bubble pops it's shown that an elite group of WSB traders made huge profits while a large amount of retail traders lost their entire investment, I think there's going to be plenty of public appetite for nailing the market manipulators to the wall.

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