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I'm really a fan of keyboard driven browsing (currently sticking with chromium + vimium) so I'll give a try to qutebrowser and would be cool if not only has adblocking but uMatrix and password manager extensions so that it can become more of a daily driver while staying snappy.

There's https://gitlab.com/jgkamat/jmatrix though it's quite an unofficial hack, and I have no idea if it still works with v2.0.0.

I'd really like to integrate something uMatrix-like (with nice keyboard usage) into qutebrowser some day, but so far I didn't get around to it: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/28

As for password managers, as someone already mentioned in another reply, there are userscripts: https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/tree/master/misc/...

Password managers are supported via scripting integration. GNU pass, lastpass, keepass, and bitwarden are all supported, you just need to have the respective local CLI client installed.

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