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Why I didn't use Wordpress for my blog (chrispanag.com)
2 points by chrispanag on Jan 27, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Wrong problem, right solution. Right problem, wrong solution.

It's not a matter of "not" using WordPress for your "blog", rather its about using the right tool for the right job.

One could get the best of both worlds with WordPress as a CMS, and a SSG (Hugo, in your case), to generate pages, connecting to the WordPress JSON API, etc.

Thus, you're getting the "best" of both worlds. You have the speed and "simplicity" of a SSG, along with the "powerful" features of a CMS, two features that come to mind are; - Roles and Permissions - Scheduled Posts

If it's just "you're" blog, then "yes", WordPress may seem like overkill, however, its not worth it to put a negative statement out there, such as the title of your post.

P.S., https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/capital_...

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