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Never rely on anyones API, building something with API is mashup/side-project not a startup/company.

Never rely on anyones API, building something with API is mashup/side-project not a startup/company.

I think a better statement is "Never rely on anyone's API unless you have a contractual agreement and SLA in place, and a backup plan for if/when the API goes away; building something on an API otherwise is a mashup/side-project not a startup/company."

All business is risk. This is yet one more risk. Hundreds if not thousands of successful businesses work on top of other businesses.

Pretty sure that's not what TweetDeck is thinking this week.

But it's probably what all the other Twitter clients are thinking. :-)

Doubtlessly. I hate being in the thrall of a company in such a way too. It's dangerous to be dependent upon someone else's their API. But is the chance of great success lower than for with other businesses? Probably better to start a Twitter client than a to-do list site or something.

Also, you shouldn't ever write a program with dependencies. :P

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