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Why Are People Leaving WhatsApp in Favor of Telegram?
4 points by fillyourhead on Jan 26, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments
Seriously do you want to abandon a default E2EE just for a policy update?

I don't use WhatsApp (or Telegram) but I see it as a huge win that people are switching away from Facebook. Breaking the iron grip of FAANG is the first step needed to getting Average Jane to switch to something safe.

Default E2EE from Facebook is as trustworthy as using their VPN for privacy. "We don't share between WhatsApp and the rest of Facebook" reminds me of "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman".

Yes, but at this point, for private chats, is better to use something like Signal than Telegram and Facebook's E2EE is one of the best out there imho.


It is a matter of trust. I suspect half the US population now no longer trusts AWS / AMAZON, FACEBOOK / WHATSAPP, TWITTER, YOUTUBE / GOOGLE.

Right now is a great time for a competitor to grab market share.

> I suspect half the US population now no longer trusts

That's laughable. Half the population doesn't even think about this - they have other things to think about.

As the other commenter said, most people do not have the privilege of being to take time to think about these things. I hope this trend about data privacy continues, however almost every person cares about convenience over all when it comes to software services.

Why not? Internet always worked like this. As long as enough people change, others will follow. In the last few days I've received a lot of notifications from people migrating. Also, I don't trust Facebook, Whatsapp was an exception on my mobile, not anymore.

Yes, but I mean : I don't care if a lot of people switched from WA to TG but at the same time I think that having E2EE by default is a good thing that Telegram don't have. And that's why I want to have a more clear vision about the new privacy policy update.


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