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Ask HN: A more expressive way to write code?
5 points by julienreszka on Jan 25, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
"Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art." Leonardo da vinci

I would like to have some more pleasant and expressive user interface than the mouse and keyboard for programming.

Is that possible?

Pen and paper? (HHOS)

Edit: With pen and paper you can structure your code however you want. You can use any symbols you fancy. I like blank paper, with no grid/lines.

Can you outline the expression bottlenecks with the current approach? Where do you feel the mouse and keyboard fall short? What is 'missing?

It seems like keyboard and mouse require very minimal movements it's kind of boring. I'm not sure how to explain it sorry.

Wouldn't it be precisely the very minimal movements that make the keyboard and mouse most expressive? If more grand movements were required, that means it would be more effort to express the same things.

Or maybe we're not thinking of the same "expressiveness"? Maybe you mean expressivity of emotion while I mean expressivity of ideas?

Give the PS4 "dev-game" Dreams a spin, you can program by physically connecting logic gates and moving wires and gadgets. You wiggle the controller to move around the screen.

Much less efficient but immensely more (visually and mechanically) satisfying than typing. I personally love it.

Depending on what you mean, there's some work on voice coding (dictation plus tooling, basically), or perhaps you want notebooks or literate programming?

Map code to dance moves. Rock out.

Guitar hero guitar?

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