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Unintentional Covid-19 Vaccine Test Case
4 points by cf100clunk on Jan 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
An elderly woman in Quebec who had recently been given the Moderna vaccine was mistakenly given the Pfizer vaccine two weeks later. This isn't covered in the man pages. She presents as a 97 year old with dementia. So, for the experts, now what? Story here:


If the vaccines both create the same spike protein, in formual as well as folding(which they should since they are, in theory, made with the same coded mRNA sequence) it may not make any difference, obe that has not been tested. I wonder what would happen if two vaccines of different molecular provenance were used? One being mRNA and the other an inactivated virus or vector vaccine(each with their respective adjuvant) - would we get a synergism? One that might give a final response that is better then either? Or would we end up with a 75% or lesser response? I think an analysis of her antigenic state via blood sameples over the next 3 months would be worth looking at. We have seen that coronus virus vaccines fade in efficacy, so a synergistic approach mighe have merit. The Russian Sputnik vaccine uses two different adenoviruse vector for shot one and shot two. The theory being that the human adaptive immune response might suppress the initial adenovirus vector if it sees it in shot two - that is their theory. Russia has capable immunologists and they whould not be tarred with any cold war aspects.

Britain is allowing it if the correct one isn't available or known. The vaccines both target the spike protein and it's probably fine but there is very little data. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/01/health/coronavirus-vaccin...

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