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Do you really think a rich country of 100M hasn't done its homework on this? I'm personally partial to Matsutani's Shrinking-Population Economics:


From a review: " The parlous state of Japan's pension system is well known, but Matsutani reviews the projections: by 2030, contributions will cover only 44% of expenditure, leaving a projected yearly deficit of ¥‎57 trillion by 2030 and a cumulative debt load of ¥‎1,240 trillion, roughly equal to the sum of all household wealth in Japan today. Getting back to balance would entail either more than doubling contributions from 15% to 34%, or cutting benefits by 56%."

> Do you really think a rich country of 100M hasn't done its homework on this?

I'm sure they have. But we're all a bunch of randos on the Internet to each other, which is why I'm asking for citations: I'd like to hear the sources which people's thoughts come from so I can better assess them.

Otherwise the person on the other end of the screen is just another crazy from /r/wallstreetbets. :)

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