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Read Hacker News on reMarkable tablet (github.com/khanhas)
66 points by markMacLean on Jan 22, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments


(And the more I see reMarkable-related projects, the more I want to buy one...)

Also a good reminder that some people actually come to HN for articles, and not the comment section ;).

Nice! Related - I made this Glitch app that will pull a set of RSS feeds at a regular cadence and send them to a Remarkable: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/remarkable-sync-app

Ah, one of the selling points of the reMarkable is its "distraction-free" environment :)

Haha yes. I love that my reMarkable does not have any browser or any similar distractions. But somehow I am also constantly tempted to add functionality like this.

This is the curse of the hacker mentality.

Or, you can use this style instead: https://www.wolfgangfaust.com/project/paper-hn/.

I'm not quite get this "style". It only has headlines, one picture for each and very short description. Also it only really works with Javascript on.

That's awesome. Though I probably won't be using it much because I use the reMarkable to avoid the HN! :)

How often does it refresh the articles? Daily?

Well, right now you have to manually run command via SSH or set it up in any app launcher (oxide, draft). So you can run it daily in with launcher. I really couldn't figure it out how to setup timer to wake up device and execute command automatically.

You could bundle a small "desktop" for draft so it appears in the launcher and gracefully exits.

Still very cool, thanks for letting me know about the oxide trick.

Cron maybe?

Nice to see you can deploy OSS on it! :)

You might be interested to see some more OSS that can be deployed on it:



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