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Ask HN: What Is Your Profession?
5 points by kiberstranier on Jan 21, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments
I am reading HN several times a day and, just out of pure curiosity, I was wondering what are the professions that most people that read HN have. I am a product guy, btw.

Software developer.... Turned agency owner... But now I have sold my agency after 8 years I and am a "Technical lead"... But by the end of this year will be back to a Software developer (which I am looking forward to!)

I'm the co-founder and CEO of startup called OpinionX (www.opinionx.co) - we've built a dynamic survey tool where people vote on each other's opinions to identify consensus at scale. Based in Dublin, Ireland.

Along with being software dev - political sciences major, high school teacher, writer...

"Sorry, you need over 200 karma to create a poll."

It seems like OP cannot do that...

Product Designer hoping to someday find a post here to automate my day job so I can spend more time making actual great products.

Lawyer, legal tech startup founder and now founder of www.mypath.ai - personal ai based career assistant.

Cyber threat Intel, but now it's mostly indoor horticulture and extraction.

What does a "Cyber threat Intel" do? Can you perhaps elaborate a little more on this, please?

80% Marketing guy 20% dev person, specialist in SaaS and product marketing.

Interesting. So how come you ended up 80 % in marketing and 20 % as a developer? Do you have a CS background? Or is it perhaps an economic/business admin degree?

If I am not mistaking, James McNellis from Microsoft had a philosophy degree. So apparently it doesn't matter what degree you have, the only metric that seems to be of importance is your ability to code.

My degree never taught me anything useful as is the case with most of the degrees i assume. I started my career by learning JAVA, PHP and some frameworks. After a few years started working on digital marketing (again self taught) and fast forward another few years, I work in marketing mostly, but do develop websites or tech products when needed.

Frontend Software Engineer, trying to get more into UX

CS undergrad

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