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The thing is, many more people are using Windows, than Macs and many more people are using Macs, than desktop Linuxes. So your anecdata goes against a mountain of anecdata from people using those platforms.

You are incorrectly assigning platform popularity as equal to driver maintenance.

First, non-desktop uses of Linux significantly outnumber uses of Windows and macOS in general, and a large majority of drivers and functionality is shared there.

Second, drivers not made by the usual giants are, as I mentioned earlier and experienced first hand, written and shipped once, maybe with a few updates for obvious issues, but this shit is harder than you think, with obscure uncaught bugs littered all over the place. Drivers need pretty much perpetual maintenance for all but the simplest blinkenlights.

Third, even "desktop" drivers are run through their places in server environments, through e.g. workloads like Stadia.

Fourth, proprietary drivers are not subject to any scrutiny whatsoever, whereas you won't get past the gatekeepers if you don't pull your shit together for the open source kernels.

Popularity does not fix unmaintained code. Giving even just one annoyed and skilled person the ability to change the code does. And sometimes, external companies like Collabora will decide to overhaul things, which they again can't do for a proprietary driver.

I know all of that, but it does not square up with real life.

Go to your favorite computer store. Randomly pick 5 laptops, regardless of the price. So no cherry picking.

Use these laptops with Windows installed on them, for a reasonably long period, for example 1 month, as your daily driver. Perform varied tasks on them, such as printing, connecting to external displays, to projectors, other peripherals, playing modern 3D games on them, etc.

Then do the same with Linux.

I'm willing to bet $100 that on average Windows will run better on them, have a longer lasting battery life, better network connectivity, etc.

And if you're trying to tell me that on average Linux runs better than MacOS on Apple laptops and desktops, then this discussion is not worth continuing, we both probably have better things to do with our time.

You will pay me just $100 to out of my own pocket buy five random laptops regardless of price, some of which will be several thousand dollars, from the local electronics store.

You're very right that there is no value in continuing a discussion if that's the level of debate you're presenting. I'm off.

There are many people like me, however, who choose to run Linux in a VM under Windows so they don't have to deal with bugs.

Linux as a personal operating system got WAY better over the last years, sure, but you can't seriously argue that it got Windows AND MacOS beat.

I am arguing just that, with a reasonably large and varied sample-size, although heavily biased towards macs over windows-powered machines. I get a lot of machines from clients.

Now, a mac on its own tends to work quite well out of the box, but this does not hold for peripherals, and I feel like the machines always end up developing... quirks.

I always felt that the path you picked just gives you the sum of all problems with few of the benefits. I could maybe do the other way around for compat, but the laptop wouldn't be able to stay on this side of the balcony railing for long if I did it the way suggested... :|

hmmm ... yes. anecdata.

The thing is, many more people are using phone and tablets, than Windows and many more people are using Windows, than Macs and many more people are using Macs, than desktop Linuxes and many more people are using desktop Linuxes, than desktop BSDs. So the anecdata goes against your mountain of anecdata that goes against a world of anecdata from people using those platforms.

Yeah, because when I use a phone or tablet I have to worry about installing my own drivers :-)

Apples, oranges.

When was the last time you installed your own drivers on a desktop Linux system, and for what?

2018, for keyboard and touchpad support on a 2016 MacBook Pro. (That driver was eventually upstreamed, but wasn't at the time.)

But I guess that's kinda in-line with this thread, that Macs are a pain to run Linux on.

I don't remember installing any drivers in Linux in last... I don't even know how many... years. For the hardware I happened to use, it was Mac-like experience.

And actually, Windows 10 is also approaching this state, but it is not there yet.

The great thing about Linux is that almost every driver is included with the kernel itself, so you don't need to worry about installing drivers. Of course, there are vendors who don't like to cooperate with Linux developers, and release kernel-tainting drivers outside of the mainline kernel.

I last installed drivers on Linux... in 2007? 2008?

I last installed drivers on Windows late last year.

I've had to on Linux for a very common wireless networking chip. Also for a scanner from a very common printer brand (that ironically has excellent support for printers on Linux). And this is Debian on a ThinkPad--a very common combination. Almost as good as Windows but given I had to load my wireless drivers via USB I still consider Windows the gold standard when it comes to built in drivers. It at least does well with networking drivers which is the most important and essential drivers to have. Everything else windows can easily download and install automatically over the network. I last did a manual install for drivers on Windows years ago cos it just does it by itself now.

Hm? Debian is famous for not including nonfree wireless firmware on purpose (drivers are an entirely different thing). They also provide an optional installer with these included.

So your example seems to be completely unrelated to the question.

There is no choice in OS for mobile. Its strictly tied to the hardware so I don't see how that could show any kind of user preference without being dominated by hardware preference.

And smartphones runs mostly Android, that is Linux kernel.

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