I worked with R and Python during the last 3 years but learning and dabbling with Julia since 0.6. Since the availability of [PyCall.jl] and [RCall.jl], the transition to Julia can already be easier for Python/R users.
I agree that most of the time data wrangling is super confortable in R due to the syntax flexibility exploited by the big packages (tidyverse/data.table/etc). At the same time, Julia and R share a bigger heritage from Lisp influence that with Python, because R is also a Lisp-ish language (see [Advanced R, Metaprogramming]). My main grip from the R ecosystem is not that most of the perfomance sensitive packages are written in C/C++/Fortran but are written so deeply interconnect with the R environment that porting them to Julia that provide also an easy and good interface to C/C++/Fortran (and more see [Julia Interop] repo) seems impossible for some of them.
I also think that Julia reach to broader scientific programming public than R, where it overlaps with Python sometimes but provides the Matlab/Octave public with an better alternative. I don't expected to see all the habits from those communities merge into Julia ecosystem. On the other side, I think that Julia bigger reach will avoid to fall into the "base" vs "tidyverse" vs "something else in-between" that R is now.
I agree that most of the time data wrangling is super confortable in R due to the syntax flexibility exploited by the big packages (tidyverse/data.table/etc). At the same time, Julia and R share a bigger heritage from Lisp influence that with Python, because R is also a Lisp-ish language (see [Advanced R, Metaprogramming]). My main grip from the R ecosystem is not that most of the perfomance sensitive packages are written in C/C++/Fortran but are written so deeply interconnect with the R environment that porting them to Julia that provide also an easy and good interface to C/C++/Fortran (and more see [Julia Interop] repo) seems impossible for some of them.
I also think that Julia reach to broader scientific programming public than R, where it overlaps with Python sometimes but provides the Matlab/Octave public with an better alternative. I don't expected to see all the habits from those communities merge into Julia ecosystem. On the other side, I think that Julia bigger reach will avoid to fall into the "base" vs "tidyverse" vs "something else in-between" that R is now.
[PyCall.jl]: https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyCall.jl
[RCall.jl]: https://github.com/JuliaInterop/RCall.jl
[Julia Interop]: https://github.com/JuliaInterop
[Advanced R, Metaprogramming] by Hadley Wickham: https://adv-r.hadley.nz/metaprogramming.html