It's all about which "bubble" you're in. Many people posting here work for startups using micro services (for which Go is a decent fit) and for companies close to the whole Docker/Kubernetes ecosystem, which is based on Go. So naturally they assume Go is huge.
My anecdata kind of tells me that Go is reasonably big, but it's not yet near .NET and Java, worldwide. But it could get there in a few years, I've seen/heard about some enterprises adopting it.
True, but I'm not talking about simple users. I'm talking about companies extending Kubernetes or building adjacent software. Even if their service doesn't necessarily integrate with Kubernetes, there is frequently a temptation to "follow your heroes".
Look at the whole Cloud Native Foundation thing, I think most of their projects are developed using Go.
So if you're using that stack, it's easy to assume that all new development everywhere is in Go.
It will probably balance out once the newness wears off Go (I think this is already happening).
And yes, there are ways to AOT compile as well.