An AI art installation I built from scratch using a GAN network, Samsung The Frame, a button and a PIR-sensor (including, code, images and tutorial). The installation is basically done. The main draft of the guide is almost done, but quite some polishing to do. An automatic Zen Garden drawing infinite patterns in sand. Using stepper motors, inverse kinematics and a Raspberry Pi Zero W (including, code, images and tutorial). I'm almost done building the robot, but still have quite some implementation to do. Also, the guide is far from done, I've mostly uploaded images so far.
Thanks! If I'm able to comment tomorrow when I wake up, I'll take a video of the AI art installation in action.
Regarding the Zen Garden, it's to early to show it draw anything yet. I've got the SCARA robot to move, but it's not really following the coordinates properly. Still some progress to be made ;)
But I have documented a previous project where I built a full-size arcade machine. If you scroll down to the end, you'll find some images and videos :) An automatic Zen Garden drawing infinite patterns in sand. Using stepper motors, inverse kinematics and a Raspberry Pi Zero W (including, code, images and tutorial). I'm almost done building the robot, but still have quite some implementation to do. Also, the guide is far from done, I've mostly uploaded images so far.