It isn't just the data people fear. It is the product support, hardware decisions, and lifetime of the product. One, they have been become known for not making great hardware quality (See recent Pixel line issues). Besides Pixel lineup, there have been multiple hardware issues so they are not known for quality. Two, they have been known to screw up hardware features and do their own thing, see Nest lineup. This can be seen as a good thing and as a risk. An example of this is they like to 'beta test' new features on the customer to try to get an edge on the competition. But it can backfire and provide a worse user experience. I am referring to the Pixel 4 with Soli sensor that killed the battery. There have been other instances where they add a new feature on Android or WearOS to only drop support later. Look at the Google Cardboard, dead. Even WearOs they had to rebrand. Third, they are known for dropping support for a product after what 3 years? Just look at I use to be a huge Google fan in terms of both software and hardware. Their software is still great. But the competition is catching up. So where does that leave Google in the market? I realized that the Android phones from other hardware vendors are a lot more impressive and cheaper. So will I buy a new fitbit after the first 4 I had broke before Google? I don't think I will any time soon until Google's reputation has changed my mind when it comes to hardware.